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[PSI logo] Pracownia Systemów Inteligentnych
Granty i edukacja

Granty i inne projekty:

Pracownicy pracowni uczestniczą między innymi w grantach:

  • Co-operation of intelligent autonomous devices
    [Research grant from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education,
    No. 3 T11C 038 29, for the period Nov. 2006 - Nov. 2008];
    Principal Investigator: D.Sc. Stanislaw Ambroszkiewicz (Podlaska Academy, Siedlce);
    Investigators: Prof. Adam Borkowski, Barbara Siemiatkowska, Ph.D., Michal Gnatowski, Ph.D.

  • Graph transformations in the design of diagrammatic reasoning systems
    [Reasearch grant from KBN (the State Committee for Scientific Research),
    No. 5 T07F 002 25, for the period Sep. 2003 - Sep. 2006];
    Principal Investigator: D.Sc. Ewa Grabska (Institute of Computer Science, Jagiellonian University in Cracow);
    Co-principal Investigator: Zenon Kulpa (IPPT PAN, Warsaw, Poland).

  • Multi-agent structural optimization tool (MAST)
    [British-Polish research partnership programme financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
    and the British Council for period Jan. 2003 - Jan. 2005];
    Principal Investigator: Prof. Adam Borkowski (IPPT PAN, Warsaw, Poland);
    Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Cherif Branki (Paisley University, UK).

  • Graph-based tools for conceptual design in Civil Engineering
    [Polish-German research project financed by the BMBF and supervised by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation,
    for the period Jan. 2000 - Dec. 2002];
    Principal Investigator: Prof. Manfred Nagl (RWTH, Aachen);
    Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Adam Borkowski

powrót do początku


The staff of the division is involved in educational activity as well, among others:

powrót do początku

[IPPT PAN] Instytut     Zakład Technologii Inteligentnych    [PSI logo] Strona domowa
Zarządzający stroną Michal Gnatowski
Projektant strony Zenon Kulpa
Ostatnia aktualizacja 4 styczeń, 2008