Curiculum Vitae of Eugene J. Danicki
1964 - graduated in electronics (MAT),
1964 - Dec. 22, 1981 - Military Academy of Technology,
Sept. 2, 1982 - 1984 - Industrial Telecommunication Institute,
1985 - head of EM Wave Laboratory of this Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
PhD - 1964 (supervisor: Prof. S. Kaliski),
Dr. Habil. - 1970,
Professor - 1989,
supervisor of 9 PhDs.
Organizer of two laboratories (in MAT - SAW measurement & technology - still exist, and in this Institute - SAW measurements, equipped with HP 4195A, generators, scopes),
coordinator of several research projects,
designed a couple of SAW devices for radars, long produced in Poland,
proposed several novel SAW components: dispersive IDT with periodic strips, certain types of MSCs (MMM, MRC, RTS), double-channel SAW resonators, fan IDTs, 3-IDTs system for measurement of SAW velocity, and
published over 200 papers in Polish and international scientific journals.
21 Swietokrzyska Str.
00-049 Warsaw, Poland